The next meeting is on Wednesday 30th March, 7:30pm in the Tartan Bar, Paisley. Hopefully we'll have the sound system fully restored in time so we can have Stan and Olly drown out any noise from the bar.
The main feature is likely to be Bonnie Scotland - and why not! This is the second last meeting before the Convention comes to Paisley so if you can help out please come along and let Janice volunteer you! It will also give those going to the convention an extra bit of practice with the toasts.
Convention Update: all the available rooms at the hotel are now booked for the convention. Day tickets are still available -but the forms need to be in by 31st March -come along to the March meeting and fill inyour form. Also the Tent is holding a second hand book stall at the convention to raise funds - so bring along any books you want to donate.
Bonnie Scotland
Mclaurel and Hardy travel to scotland in this comedy classic. But much of the action takes place in British India. The film is from the Hal Roach studio and produced by Hal Roach and directed by James W. Horne. Laurel and Hardy were best in their short comedy films but this is one of the best longer adventures. There are plenty of laughs and a funny dance routine (click on the Bonnie Scotland poster on the right hand side of this webpage for an example). The film also stars the familiar face of James Finlayson as the Sergeant Major.